Unbundling modes

Something I haven’t written much about yet is the unbundling or unravelling of modes. This is a way of separating cycle routes from main routes for motorised traffic. In the Netherlands it had been common practice to separate people cycling from motorised traffic on road level on all main roads from as early as the 1930s. In more recent years there has been a shift to separating these types of traffic even more: on route level. A lot of roads for motorised traffic have been diverted to go around residential areas especially in the last 10 to 20 years in … Continue reading Unbundling modes

“Separate where needed, mix where possible”

It is a fact that not every street in the Netherlands has separated cycle paths. It is also true that Dutch traffic experts do sometimes say that in road building they only “separate where needed” and “mix where possible”. These two facts combined are cause for one of the great misunderstandings of the Dutch road building system. “Even a Dutch cyclist will have to ride with motorized traffic one time or another, because cycle paths simply can’t go everywhere.” This probably comes right after the great misunderstanding of ‘strict liability’ when that is assumed to ‘magically’ bring road safety to … Continue reading “Separate where needed, mix where possible”