Bicycle Training in the Netherlands

Every year in April some 200,000 school children in the Netherlands take a “Verkeersexamen” (traffic test). The 12 year olds will start secondary school in the following school year. An overwhelming majority of these children will get to secondary school on their bicycles. Rides of up to 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) one way are no exception. In an effort to make traffic safer the children have been taught about traffic rules since they were very young. Now it is time for their final test.

In this video some images of the practical test in Utrecht: a 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) long bike ride though normal traffic. The children are being monitored and those who pass the test receive a “Verkeersdiploma” (traffic certificate). This year some lucky children in ‘s-Hertogenbosch got the certificate from the hands of the Netherlands’ future queen, Princess Máxima, who opened this year’s test season. With her presence she underlined the importance the Dutch give to children’s traffic safety and education.

School children in the Netherlands are trained and tested

The full route of the “Verkeersexamen” (Traffic Test) In Utrecht in the Netherlands. It is a 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) long bike ride though normal traffic in which the children (12 year olds) encounter a number of different traffic situations that they will also encounter once they ride their bicycles to secondary school.

Full route of the traffic exam in Utrecht

8 thoughts on “Bicycle Training in the Netherlands

  1. Great idea.
    Illinois, USA, just passed a law requiring that K-8 public schools teach walking and biking safety to students. “There are dozens of quality resources for teaching biking and walking safety to children, from simple quizzes and videos to guide books with a check list of teaching points, complete lesson plans, and even on-bike education. Under HB 4799, schools will have the flexibility to choose their own approach.”
    How do you teach bicycling?
    Thanks. Mr. E. (an educator)

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