New York City ride and the Congestion Pricing fiasco

Today’s extra post features footage from my ride in New York City last April. With Clarence Eckerson as my generous guide and bicycle provider, I cycled nearly 30 kilometers through Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn. In the video accompanying this post, you can see all the footage I shot while riding with him.

Testing the e-bike from the citibike shared bicycle scheme on the corner of 1st Ave/E 39th St.

There has been considerable turmoil in New York City since my post was published just a week ago. The governor “paused” the plans to start congestion pricing on June 30th in what has been described as “a sudden move.”

This unexpected development at the eleventh hour has sparked protests in the streets. People have also been calling the governor’s office and other representatives to express their support for congestion pricing. There are claims that the governor’s decision may be illegal and could jeopardize the financing of New York’s public transit.

The devices to track cars entering and leaving the congestion pricing area were already in place over the streets last April. It seems they won’t be used from June 30th.
Video by Clarence Eckerson (Streetfilms) about the rally in Queens to protest the ‘pause’ on congestion pricing in New York City.

The chair of the MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Authority) and several senators have stated that they are not giving up on congestion pricing yet. Additionally, some unusual joint statements have been issued.

The war on cars had an emergency podcast on “Kathy Hochul’s Congestion Pricing Flip-Flop Fiasco” and, they admit, “We swear a lot in this one.”

It is very clear that the last word has not been said on this issue, not least because the need for congestion pricing is now greater than ever.

My ride in New York City in April 2024 (long fragments).

One thought on “New York City ride and the Congestion Pricing fiasco

  1. With sharp corner turns and bollards in the bike lanes, this is quite the contrast from your usual NL videos!

    How did you have your camera mounted that you could do some panning to left and right? That was nice, especially the views from the bridges.

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