
Welcome to this blog about cycling in the Netherlands. The utility type of cycling to get from A to B. This blog is not about cycling as a sport, nor to be green, but about the every day type of cycling on sit-up bicycles. My name is Mark Wagenbuur and I am one of the many Dutch who cycle almost every day. I have 50 years of experience in cycling in the Netherlands. From an early age I have closely followed the planning and development of infrastructure in this country. For a short while in the past, I have also lived and cycled in Berlin. At present, I am cycling almost every day in the Dutch cities of ’s-Hertogenbosch and Utrecht, where I live and work respectively. I enjoy showing the world Dutch cycling and Dutch cycling infrastructure in my videos and blog posts.

In January 2009 I started publishing videos about cycling in the Netherlands on YouTube. These videos were soon picked up by a range of blogs and sometimes used in other people’s blog posts as an illustration of Dutch cycling. From early 2011 I started to write my own blog posts to go with my own videos. I now usually publish one post and video every week.

I also give presentations to international and Dutch audiences, both in The Netherlands and abroad. Some posts mention talks at international conferences such as in Leeuwarden, Joensuu (Finland), Barcelona, Budapest, Saint Petersburg, Canberra, Brisbane, Perth and twice in Sydney.

In July 2012, I received a Spanish award from the Association for Sustainable Means of Transport. In September 2016, the director of the Dutch Cycling Embassy appointed me Dutch Cycling Ambassador.

You can follow me on Twitter.


My YouTube channel is also called “BicycleDutch”.

KvK 64451356

114 thoughts on “About

  1. Dear Mr. Mark Wagenbuur,
    Thank you for your invaluable contribution to the development of cycling infrastructure outside the Netherlands. Your videos help our cycling activists to strategize correctly in promoting road safety and promoting mobility in motorized cities.
    We have translated your video into Azerbaijani https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xv47zxiziRQ&t=3s
    and often use your content on our website: https://city4people.az/
    Thanks so much for your work.

  2. Hi Mark

    We are a group of activists in Israel for increasing walkability and ciclying in crowded cities.
    Can we have your permission to translate to Hebrew some of your videos and share them across our social medias ?
    You are doing an amaizing job.


      1. Hi Mark
        I am cycling from Scipol airport for a week and will return to get my flight
        I want to rent a regular bike helmet and basket – I am 5’4 lady and want to use the bike for the week – can you recommend a place I can rent the bike from that is near to the airport or if you have any suggestions to share, I will be very happy.
        I am alone

        1. The airport is just a short train ride from Amsterdam. It would be best to try and find a rental bike there, with a basket, if you meant that. Renting a helmet, I don’t know. We don’t wear helmets in the Nederlands. I have never heard of helmet rental.

  3. Hi Mark!

    It’s always a joy to read your blog. We’ve had a lot of talks about car culture and cycle culture in relation to disabilities over on the fediverse lately, and I’ve been happy to link to your informative blog posts about the topic (see https://polyglot.city/@Stoori/107310931830650493 to get the idea of what we’re talking about). But one thing we have difficulties to find information about is how disabled people other than those who have physical disabilities think about navigating the Dutch cycling infrastructure.

    I’m thinking here of eg. neurodivergent people, and people who have disabling mental health conditions, who otherwise have no problems operating a bike but for whom the social interplay, unwritten rules, eye contact signals and such may pose serious challenges. For example, I as an autistic person find the Dutch unwritten rules quite natural and easy to follow, but I’ve talked about this with other autistic people, both from the NL and elsewhere, and they find it scary and unpredictable to move there around cyclists.

    So would this merit a new blog post on the topic of cycling and disabled people?

  4. Hi there,

    I love your channel and I watch it quite frequently. I have always been hoping that one day we’ll get a detailed video dedicated to the fietsstraat (hopefully that’s spelled correctly, don’t speak Dutch! haha).

  5. Thank you Mark for this excellent web and the large amount of useful information. I have reproduced part of a photo Koninsweg’s-Hertogenbosch in a mobility report, as an example of a protected bike lane, referencing of course BycicleDutch as credit. I have also made a small donation to support your work.
    Vriendelijk Groeten !
    Toni (Barcelona)

  6. Hoi Mark,
    Super leuke filmpjes maak je!
    Ik ben zelf ook een totale fietsjunkie😊
    Mag ik vragen op wat voor fiets jij fietst?


    1. Dag Mirjam en anderen,
      Ik meen in een filmpje opgepikt te hebben dat Mark – in een deel van de video’s – op een ‘OV’ fiets rijdt

  7. Hi, love the blog. You may be aware that a new Australian article today in “The Conversation” about the tragedy of recent cycle delivery driver deaths in Oz has a link to your blog about sustainable safety in The Netherlands. Link to article.

  8. could you possibly do a Tilburg to Osterhout route? possibly a residential to a industrial site? thanks.

  9. Hi Mark; Your videos were a big factor in my wife’s and my decision to take a “bike and barge” trip to the Netherlands. Your depictions of cycling in the Netherlands were so positive and informative that I simply had to find out for myself if it is the cycling heaven you make it out to be (it is)! Your video of cycling in the United States was gracious but painfully accurate (we are slowly getting better but we have this sometimes restrictive habit of having to reinvent the wheel). Keep up the good work and keep those videos coming.

  10. I have a question regarding protected intersections. In this intersection, it looks as though left turning cyclists don’t have room to wait for the second leg of their turn. How are left turns handled, then?

    This actually looks like a space constrained situation in general, seeing as how the protective island is compromised on two corners, and non-existent on the other two.

      1. They cross on the far side of the intersection, and in that spot there is place enough to wait, for a few riders at least. These crossings are all one-way, and we drive counterclockwise here.

  11. Awesome and as you know Launceston Tasmania is the home of Richie Porte
    Who is a famous cyclist Tour de France and more lives in Monaco.
    How ever my reason to write is launceston does not have designated cycle paths like Perth Western Australia . I am looking at introducing some education and possibly a cycle way from a launceston to Batman Bridge 37 km . I would like some help on plans and infrastructure necessary to implement such a project. Looking forward to hearing from you. I have written to Mike Tomalaris SBS and he believes it would be amazing as a regular visitor. I can only think that it would have so many benefits to this tiny island and maybe put it on the global map as a go to professional holiday destination. Kind Regards Barbara Page +61428897397

  12. Hello, Mark.
    From Barrie in UK.

    I have seen many of your videos, now, and enjoyed them all, as you know. But there is one thing I have not seen yet…
    I would enjoy a ‘bicycle tour’ … of YOUR personal bicycle. I would really like to see what you ride as your favourite machine, perhaps with some descriptions of the extra bits and pieces you have put on it for your convenience.
    Please do this if you can. I may not be the only one who would like to see it.
    Barrie Davis
    Guildford, Surrey, UK

  13. Thank you very much for this encouraging information on cycling that you have shared with the world.

    I am Keith chisoni solo from Africa particularly, Zambia who is the president of EASTERN PROVINCE CYCLISTS ASSOCIATION.The association has taken a keen interest in all activities of cycling.

    our cyclists are currently using ordinary eagle bicycles for both annual sporting events and other day to day activities.

    we therefore,invite you cyclists to visit us here in Zambia,Eastern province for more orientations on cycling events.

    Looking forward to your response.
    Thank you

  14. Suggestion: In the menu in the top-left, add a link to the YouTube channel. I was looking for a video, and had to click on About and scroll down to find the URL.

  15. hi
    best regards from Hong Kong , my cousin is a big fan , he loves your videos, how you depict the Netherland cycling infrastructure and culture , he loves Holland and i am hooked I am missing it here a little , I am always looking at your logo and you are using it for years and i really would like design you a new one , i made a sketch of a new motive , i hope i can send it to you if you do not mind, it is free of charge , keep your good work coming

  16. Hello. This is the Japanese curation site about “study abroad” called “THE RYUGAKU”.

    We’d like to use some of your picture for our site. We made article about the rule of bicycle in Netherlands.

    This is the article. We used some picture of traffic sign.
    Of course we credited your website and link.

    Let me know if it’s not OK.


  17. This is an excellent website that shows the fantastic bicycling culture of The Netherlands. What many people who have never bicycled in The Netherlands will probably not know though is that the bicycling there is a vastly different experience than other places. First, the effort required to bicycle is a lot less than in other places. This is due I believe to three factors:

    1. The ultra-flat land (in most of the country)

    2. The type of bicycles. These heavy bicycles sit you upright and seem to be “tuned” to the land so a little effort generates a lot of power.

    3. Many of the bicycle paths are separated from traffic. This, I have found, eliminates “stress” of bicycling and is quite noticeable after a long ride. You feel a lot less tired when you don’t constantly have to worry about cars speeding next to you.

    4. Condition of the bicycle paths. These paths are generally very smooth and therefore require less energy.

    Second, due to the bicycling infrastructure you feel connected everywhere you go. Everywhere bicycles (and bicyclists) are welcome. This is vastly different from many places in the world.

    Third, the climate It is not usually too hot (over 27C) or too cold (under 0C) for too long. This allows for year round comfortable bicycling.

    Forth, the social culture. There is no one to fear when bicycling in The Netherlands. People are generally courteous and very helpful.

    All the above taken all together it is an experience unlike bicycling in most parts of the world. It is wonderful.

    1. I forgot to add: the heavy Dutch bicycles are quality built, very stable and extremely comfortable. Most bicycles are outfitted with everything you need to bicycle in comfort and safety. This is not the type of bicycle though you would want at all on hilly terrain. On flat land it is a dream. These bicycles match the land perfectly and provide a joyous experience.

  18. Dag Mark, ik lees je blog al heel lang met enorm veel interesse en plezier. De hoge kwaliteit van je artikelen blijft het interessant houden. Mag ik je alleen een klein verzoek doen? Kun je de kleur van de links in je artikelen iets laten verschillen van de rest van de tekst, zodat ze iets makkelijker te vinden zijn? Zoals het nu is, is er bijna geen onderscheid tussen de links en de lopende tekst.
    Complimenten en bewondering voor je werk. Ik denk dat de impact ervan veel groter is dan de meeste Nederlanders beseffen.

  19. Hello Mark,
    First of all I would like to congratulate you for your blog, which I follow since a couple of years.
    I leave this message because I would like to propose a topic for a post. The on street bike parking racks. I live in Germany and in my opinion the bike rack models that you can find on the street (at least here in Cologne) aren’t a good choice. They are very low, just enough for fit the front wheel, so they could damage the spokes and, most important, aren’t safe as don’t allow to lock the frame to the rack. I looked through the “Parking bicycles” section of the blog and there are no post about how it works in the NL. We don’t have here those great bike parking facilities and “double deck” racks that we see in your videos, so the on street racks are the main parking option for cyclists and therefore a main issue.
    I don’t know if that’s an interesting topic for you or the rest of the blog’s followers but I hope so hahaha.
    Anyway, congratulations once again and thank you for offer us this blog.


  20. Hello

    I googled, and read the Traffic Lights section before asking but didn’t find the answer.


    I rode in the Netherlands this week-end, and noticed several red lights turning green just when I was about 2m from them: Are they equiped with some kind of movement detectors so that riders don’t have to stop and waste energy to get back to speed?

    Thank you.

  21. Hi Mark,
    I really enjoy your blog.
    Now I am writing an article on bicycle in the Netherlands in Japanese.
    I hope to use some photos in I your blog. If I need permission, please let me know.
    Best regards,

      1. Hello Mark,
        I’m an editor for a local newspaper in The Hague / Rotterdam / Delft / Leiden area called ToTen, I was looking for an image of people cycling in Rotterdam for one of our contributors’ article, talking about cycling in Rotterdam and Liverpool. I came across your blog and wanted to get in touch to ask if I could use one of your photos and used it as a featured image, I’ve added the link to the blog in the credits. I hope this is fine.
        The article in question can be found here: http://www.to10.nl/blogs-columns/liverpool-music-architecture-and-bicycles/
        If there are any issues, please feel free to get in touch.
        Lastly: I really like your blog, nice read. Keep up the good work.

  22. Hi Mark, As a long time follower of your blog and David’s I really appreciate the hard work you both are doing to help illuminate the better infrastructure discussion! My state here in the US, MA, is about to adopt a protected bike lane guide that really has some great stuff including free right turn curb protected intersection designs based on trips the engineering team took to NL a year or two ago. One of the discussions that came up is in disability access, specifically blind or deaf. Is there an opportunity to take a look at intersection designs around a school for the deaf or blind for example to showcase those users interacting with bicycles? The pedestrian and disability advocates are very very wary of these designs based on the typical silent faster US cycle user but I am confident things will work out after a bit of adjustment period. Any assistance is greatly welcome! -John

    1. Thanks for the compliments. In my recent video of a city center street that was redesigned you can already see someone who is clearly visually impaired crossing the street that has cycle tracks on either side. She does so without any trouble. From the 2:08 mark: https://youtu.be/G89Akzfv0_4?t=2m8s There are more people of age walking with a cane, in a wheel chair and in a mobility scooter in that same video. Cycle tracks are quite the opposite of dangerous for people with disabilities, they are making life safer and easier for them. I also wrote about this in an earlier post.

  23. Meanwhile in Amsterdam:
    Rood & Groen

    (you can check out how it looked like in google streetview, Plantage Middenlaan)

  24. Where can we find videos that show how the Dutch automobile handle parking on the same streets which in Protected Intersections?

    1. Usually, there is no on-street parking on those roads. Reason is that the roads that have cyclepaths (and thus protected intersections) are the main roads, and those do not have on-street parking for the same reason they have cyclepaths: to avoid large speed differences on the same road (between cars and bicycles, and between cars driving and cars going into or coming out of parking). However, when there is on-street parking (for example because a minor road for motor traffic is a major one for bicycles, and has cyclepaths for that reason), the parking will usually be in the form of parking bays, which then will end a little bit before the intersection, so the parked cars don’t interfere with the sight lines on the intersection.

      For an example, see Mark’s post at https://bicycledutch.wordpress.com/2014/01/30/ride-five-kilometres-priority/, 14:40 to 15:30 on the full-length video (also third and fourth photograph)

  25. After following you for a few years on Youtube, I JUST discovered there is a Blog.
    Keep up the good work.

  26. Hi Mark,
    Could you give us some insight in the impact of your blog in other countries? In which countries do people read this blog? I ‘ m very interested in the WordPress/google statistics because it tells us more about the interest in the rest of the world and maybe about the state of development of bicycle infrastucture there.

    1. Ron, I sent you a full list for 2014. No less than 201 different countries is where my visitors came from. So only a few grey spots on the map. The top 10 is interesting for the viewers too I think.


      1. There are actually people from North Korea who watched your videos? That is what it appears to be according to your map.

      2. And which country is missing in the list? Sadly Belgium. The neighbour of the Netherlands. I think that says enough. The Belgians are not active enough in complaining about the cycling infrastructure. Belgium is trying though with cycle paths but they really never think about the intersections. And Brussels and Liege are a disaster. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSFHsuNdYjA

        1. As a Belgian living abroad, I’ve wondered about this too. Compared to what I’ve seen in other European countries, I think at least the Dutch-speaking northern half of Belgium is coping reasonably well as a cycling nation, despite the undeniably less advanced cycling infracture. Perhaps it’s because one of the things the Flemish have in common with the Dutch to a large extent is that they simply take their ‘cycling culture’ for granted.
          Or could language be a factor? After all, why would Dutch-speaking Belgians turn to a English-language blog when there’s an abundance of information in Dutch about cycling in the Netherlands?

          1. “less advanced cycling infrastructure”? This is what many people believe but it is not true these days Flanders, at least in many of the flat parts, has just as advanced infrastructure. In fact in some cities and towns the infrastructure appears to me to be more advanced with new, smooth, wide bicycle paths separated from traffic, futuristic-style bicycle-only bridges, bicycle rest stops and novel bicycle parking apparatuses. It is true that some of these major projects were only completed In the last two or so years so it may explain why it is not well known.

          2. Dear Hans, I went to Belgium in 2009 in Brussels and Brugge. In the capital I don’t find many cyclists and there was lot of motor traffic, but good public transportation. I’ve noticed a bike sharing service called Villò. A friend of mine, who lives in Brussels, said that cyclist are terrible and have no rules at all. About Brugge, in Flanders, the situation was different, as you told before, outside of the train station, like in Ghent, there was a huge bike parking and people cycling everywhere. There were also many Rent a Bike.

      3. Dear Mark, I write you only now because I’ve discovered this website only this month. Fist of all, You did a great job, doing this website dedicated to cycling. I know that in this list my country, Italy, is missed; and maybe, I know the reason: in Italy there’s not a real cycling culture like in the Netherlands, Denmark or Germany.
        But I’ve watched a video about cycling in Milan, expecially the bike-sharing service.
        There also other towns good for cycling like Ferrara, Mantua and Bolzano/Bozen. There are most, in the North.
        In Italy there are too many cars and electric cars are now introduced with great difficulties. I hope you will come to Italy a bit more. This country needs to change; some people said we are not in the Netherlands, so we can’t cycle everywhere, but I think It’s just an excuse. For example, in neighbouring Austria and Switzerland there are urban and country cycleways and you can carry your bike on the train. And those countries are not flat like the Netherlands or Denmark. Also, Germany is not totally flat.
        Lots of greetings from Alessandro.

  27. Hey Mark – I arrived on your fantastic blog over Christiane’s “Bikelovin” Blog! We are a german-scottish family and live near the dutch border (near Venlo) and love to cycle a lot! We’ve planned to do some cycling in NL this summer (in Limburg, around the “Maas” for a start) and I a am very happy that I found your blog! It’s stuffed with great information! Keep up the great work and have a sunny weekend! Bye bye! Lony

  28. Hi Mark, Good Work. I have recently come to know that a Dutch Company with expertise in bicycling infrastructure is signing an agreement with the council of Penang, Malaysia to help develop bicycle lanes and cycling mentality in a part of the World which is gradually picking up on the benefits of bicycling. Thought you’d like to know.

  29. What a fantastic website and resource for all that is dutch and cycling! Clearly explained information, demonstrations of infrastructure in the Netherlands, and excellent clear videos of real life cycling, are what you have provided the global cycling community Mark, and all presented very well.

    Your website is an invaluable reference for real life everyday cycling in the worlds leading cycling nation, and acts as an ecofriendly inspiration to us all.

    While some website only provide a limited amount of information, I love the fact that you have covered almost every situation, time of day, month of the year, weather condition and urban facility, that there could be to demonstrate!

    May you long continue to post interesting news about dutch freewheeling and dutch inovations!

    Kurt G
    (Bristol UK)

  30. First of all, congratulation for the good work.

    Your posts are so interesting that I’d like to know if I could translate some of them to portuguese and post them on my blog. Of course I will always put the reference for the original post.

    I live in Curitiba Brazil and the blog is: http://transportehumano.cidri.com.br/

    thank you very much

  31. Hi mark,

    You have done a very good job, especially for a cycling community a round the world.

    Best regards from malaysia

  32. Hi Mark ! My name is Gilson Wingist, and I Live in Brazil, in Porto Alegre City, and I also cycle almost everyday. But, I posting here for another reason.

    In the next FIFA World CUP, that will be in Brazil, the Netherlands Soccer Team will play in the city that I live. And we expect that many people of Netherlands came to visit our city.

    But, here in Porto Alegre, the bikers are living a hard time. We have only, 22 km of bike lanes in a city with more then 2000 km of streets. And all bike lanes are very bad (I have pictures, but I don’t know how to send to you).

    And, after many years of fight with the autorithies, In 2006, we conquer a law to ensure that 20% of the money of traffic fines goes to new bike lanes.

    But, only in the words of politicians. This money never was used to build new bike lanes. We begs to the justice, and the judge sad “The city hall must use the money to build bike lanes”. But, nothing happens again.

    And its worst: Now the city hall want to CANCEL this law, because they don’t want to build the bike lanes (and follow the law).

    So, cyclists and friends of the Netherlands, please help us to spread the word. You will came to visit us, and is a shame for us don’t have bike lanes to welcome you.

    Thank you, and please forgive any errors in my english.

  33. Hey,

    i lived in Sittard for 5 month in the last winter. When you are in Germany as cyclist, you have the right to ride on the street and different studys show, that that’s saver then the bike lines in Germany, if there are some. When i traveled around in Germany, the dutch car driver were much worster then the german car driver, because they gave me as cyclist no security space when overtaken me. Normally they have to keep at least 1,5 meters between, but 0,5 to 0,2 meters were normal for the dutch drivers. But where did this come from?

  34. “[…] Recently [March, 2012] Streetfilms joined a group of city leaders from Chicago, Washington, DC and Miami on a study tour of the Netherlands, through the Bikes Belong Foundation’s Bicycling Design Best Practices Program. The program shows American transportation professionals and policy makers real life examples of what it looks like to invest in cost-effective bicycle facilities. […]” (‘From the Netherlands to America: Translating the World’s Best Bikeway Designs’: http://vimeo.com/38071406 )

  35. Loved your film about intersection design and how to protect cyclists from right-turning vehicles. Do you have any photos of intersections where this has been applied that I can share with our local city bike lane designers? Thanks!

    1. Note that cycle lanes are not the most preferable situation. On residential collector roads within neighbourhoods, maybe, but most of the time, the Dutch use a fully curb/verge protected cycleway.

  36. Hi-

    I am in Den Bosch for 2 months and looking for advice on where to buy a cheap basic city bicycle, ideally somewhere I could re-sell it to once I leave. Ideas? Advice?

  37. Howdy, Mr. Mark Wagenbuur,

    I just wanted to drop you a line and thank you for your fantastic website. It’s one of my favorite websites to visit, every time I visit my RSS reader I always check to see if their is an update from your blog first.

    I stumbled on your blog a few years ago after I became frustrated by the lack of standards and examples of good cycling infrastructure in the US. I thought, “there must be a better way to build cycling infrastructure that doesn’t require a massive upheaval on how we do transportation in this country.” I then found your blog and I immediately become encouraged and blown away. I literally locked myself away in my room for a week and read every post on your blog from beginning to end and started taking notes. The Dutch example is so subtle in someways, yet so brilliant, bold, and revolutionary.

    The way you present yourself so humbly yet confidently is such an encouragement to me. Instead of bashing people over the head with your knowledge you humbly reason with people and give incredible examples of the benefits of high quality cycling infrastructure. That’s refreshing to see in a world where “either you agree with me or you’re an idiot” rules the day in arguing your point. Even when people challenge you, you graciously reason with them passionately. You have no idea how much this means to me. Anyone can smack someone down in a heated debate, it takes real passion to calmly reason with even the most berserk opponent.

    So anyways, thanks so much for everything you do to help those of us outside of the Netherlands reason, argue, fund, and build effective cycling infrastructures in our communities. Thanks so much for your work.

    1. Like even relatively minor details like the width of Dutch cycleways, actuation at traffic lights, angled curbs, make all the difference.

  38. Hi, very nice information.
    I’m planning cycle every day to my office work thats about 20 minutes.
    What do you think do think doing it every day?
    In the winter should I use special cloths protection?

    1. The question is mainly about what kind of cycling you intend to do. Not where you are going to and from, but what kind of cycling you will need to do in order to get there. 20 minutes is less important than the distance in many areas. What kind of streets are you going to do it on, and are there any cycle paths or cycle lanes to do it with? Depends on how cold the winter is about the winter question. And what kind of weather do you get, rain, snow, ice, sleet, Hawaii hot, etc. If you can you probably want an omafietsen, but if you can’t do it, get a hybrid bike or a road bike, and attach a wheel lock and a chain or cable lock to go with it, dynamo powered lights and a rear luggage rack, and try to get internal gears and a chaincase if you can, and enclose the brakes if you can too. Worth considering the tires, you might need studded ones in the winter, but otherwise, you should go with puncture proof tires. High quality studded tires are also very puncture resistant too. You might also want to switch out the saddle too.

  39. Hello!

    Congratulations on your blog! I hope that one day we’ll have a similar cycling infrastructure in Poland…
    Could you make a post or just a video about the coexistence of the cyclists and the pedestrians in Netherlands? I’d like to see how they share space along bus or tram stops, in the junction areas etc.

    Best wishes for the new year!

  40. Amazing blog and videos, thanks very much. Please come to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, North America’s northernmost major city, to try urban winter biking and to explain to our city planners how bike lanes should work!

      1. And our planners almost always consider a shared use path just 3 metres wide, possibly as narrow as 2.5 for bidirectional use, without complete and safe crossings at intersections, which you legally have to dismount for, sufficient. The only time a Dutch planner might, might, use a 3 metre wide pathway for both pedestrians and cyclists is in low volume rural areas. But even then they build it as a bike path you are allowed to walk on, including at intersections, not a sidewalk you are allowed to ride on.

  41. Mark, compliments on your blog! We are proud, as the city of ’s-Hertogenbosch, to have you as our cycling ambassador.
    I was in Melbourne last week as a keynote speaker on the Bike Futures Conference 2012. I used a few of your films on my presentation. I also referred to your blog. Thanx!

  42. Hello Mark,

    On one of your films you showed numerous streets along with the volume of daily cyclists that travelled along each one. Would you be able to provide a link to the official website/s where these cycling volumes are maintained? I’ve tried to find this info however it’s a bit difficult due to the language difference. I understand that each city keeps records of this information and I’m particularly interested in Amsterdam’s and the Overtoom.

    My other query is whether there is a way to donate financially to your blog. David Hembrow has this facility on his blog.

    Kind Regards,
    Jim Moore

    1. Hi Jim, that information is very hard to come by. Yes there are regular counts but the results are only very rarely published. There is no legal obligation for Dutch municipalities to do that. I do sometimes find figures like that when a city updates their policies or something like that but even I have to be lucky in finding that information.

      There is -now- a way to donate financially to my blog. I’ve created a paypal option for that in the right column of the site right below the search box.

  43. Hi,

    I just wanted to ask where did you get the camera for the helmet from. I am looking to buy one and record The Jungle that London City is. Thank you.


    1. You seem to think I wear a helmet and a helmetcam on top of that. I have neither sorry! I hold the camera in my hand, a simple photo/video camera. Good luck on your hunt.

      1. No helmet? No problem. Try using the type of headband a jogger wears around his/her forehead, and attach the camera for that. Holding it in your hands works too, but I imagine you could go faster and have more control over the bike had you had either three hands to hold two handlebars and one camera, but the most recent photograph of you shows you don*t have 3, or use the headband and two hands on handlebars.

  44. I am so happy you made this blog and all the information you have made public. Thank you.
    I am very jealous of the Netherlands, it is no wonder the Dutch are the happiest nation in the world! I am trying to get my wife to move with me! 🙂

  45. I have enjoyed A View from the Cycle Path for a while and was disappointed to find out it is no more. I really have learned a lot from it and your videos. I think the knowledge that everyone gains will help make the world a better place for cycling and a healthier world as well. The Dutch have always led the way with cycling, and when I look at all the snow we have here right now I sure wish I could be in your country right now.

    1. Thanks for your comment. A view from the cycle path was only inaccessible for a while, it is back open again. So I updated this text and also made a link. You can continue to enjoy that blog!

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